Reno Swings! & the Historic Fourth Ward School Museum present "Swingin' on the Comstock!"
Join us on Friday, November 11 at for a night of swing dancing to live music inside the historic Virginia City, NV building the Fourth Ward School Museum. Enjoy this rare treat to dance on beautifully restored 1870s hardwood flooring with live Dixieland Jazz from the Sagebrush Swingers.
No need to be hesitant about not knowing how to swing - no prior experience or a partner is necessary to participate!
Doors open at 6:30 PM. The swing dance lesson begins promptly at 7 PM.
To get the most of your experience, we encourage you to arrive with your dancin' shoes on and ready to learn by the time the lesson begins at 7 p.m. We wouldn't want you to miss out on any of the excellent instruction Reno Swings! has in store for you.
The social dance and live music will follow afterward, around 8 PM.
The Fourth Ward School Museum is located at 537 C St.,Virginia City, Nevada.
Admission to the event is $15 for general admission and $10 for our Museum members.